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Metabolomix + Nutritional profile

Metabolomix + Nutritional profile

Sample report


The Metabolomix+ is a unique combination of nutritional tests that provides an analysis of key nutritional biomarkers. A first morning void (FMV) urine collection, with optional add-on bloodspot finger stick and buccal swab, the Metabolomix+ nutritional test is a non-invasive, patient-friendly way to assess the functional need for antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, digestive support, fatty acids, and amino acids. Insights gained from the Metabolomix+ nutritional test allows clinicians to target nutritional therapies to the precise needs of their patients.

Additional markers are available for an even greater overview of a patient's nutritional status with easy to add modules based on a patient's unique needs.

What is a functional nutritional assessment?

Marked accumulation of organic acids in urine can signal a metabolic inhibition or block. The metabolic block may be due to a nutrient deficiency, an inherited enzyme deficit, toxic build-up, or drug effect.

Enzymes that are responsible for metabolizing organic acids are vitamin and mineral dependent. With this, elevations in organic acids can reflect a functional need for these nutrients on a cellular and biochemical level, even despite normal serum levels.1-5 Recommendations for nutrient supplementation based on elevated organic acid results are generated using a literature-based proprietary algorithm.

Traditionally, urinary organic acid assessment has been used in neonatal/pediatric medicine to identify genetic inborn errors of metabolism, with severity depending on the degree and type of error.* In many cases of genetic inborn errors, the enzymatic defect may be compensated for by high doses of specific vitamin and mineral cofactors and/or dietary interventions. Intervention with higher-dose nutrient cofactors may also be effective in cases of decreased enzyme activity due to causes other than frank inborn errors.

* Genova's organic acid testing is not intended for the diagnosis of neonatal inborn errors of metabolism.

Which patients might benefit from functional nutritional testing?

Common clinical indications for testing include:

  • Mood Disorders6,7
  • Mitochondrial Dysfunction8
  • Fatigue9
  • Chronic Stress10
  • Inflammation11

Several diseases are associated with abnormal organic acid, amino acid, and fatty acid levels such as depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, neurocognitive decline, diabetes, cancer, anorexia, and many others.12-15

About the Metabolomix+ Profile

The Metabolomix+ Profile report allows for easy interpretation and clinically actionable results. It includes a Suggested Supplement Schedule that provides personalized recommendations based on test results. The Interpretation-At-A-Glance section of the report provides facts related to nutrient function, causes and complications of their deficiencies, and dietary sources.

The Metabolomix+ Profile report categorizes results into several metabolic areas:

    • Organic Acids
      • Malabsorption and Dysbiosis
      • Cellular Energy and Mitochondrial Metabolites
      • Neurotransmitter Metabolites
      • Vitamin Markers
      • Toxin and Detoxification Markers
      • Tyrosine Metabolism
    • Amino Acids
      • Nutritionally Essential Amino Acids
      • Nonessential Protein Amino Acids
      • Intermediary Metabolites
      • Dietary Peptide Related Markers
    • Oxidative Stress Markers
    • Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids - Bloodspot (if selected as add-on profile)
      • Omega 3 Fatty Acids
      • Omega 6 Fatty Acids
      • Omega 9 Fatty Acids
      • Saturated Fatty Acids
      • Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
      • Delta-6 Desaturase Activity
      • Cardiovascular Risk
    • Nutrient and Toxic Elements (if selected as add-on profile)
    • Genomics (if one or more of the following SNPs are selected as add-ons)
      • APO E (C112R + R158C)
      • MTHFR Combined (A1298C + C677T)
      • TNF-α
      • COMT (V158M)


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