Meet Dr. Gupta
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Kalish Method
Metabolomix + Nutritional profile
IgG Food Sensitivity testing
IgE Food Allergy testing
GI-MAP test with 40 minute Zoom consult
Organic Acids Profile with 30 minute consult
Single day salivary adrenal profile with 30 minute consult
Kalish Method Comprehensive 3 Body System Package with 90 minute Zoom consult
DUTCH Complete test
DUTCH cycle mapping (urine)
SIBO breath test with 40 minute consult
OMX | Organic Metabolomics (Urine)
Mercury Tri-Test and Blood Metals Panel
Mercury Tri-Test
Autism spectrum panel
ENVIROtox toxicity panel
Essential Estrogens 24 hour hormone test
DNA Methylation saliva profile
DetoxiGenomic® Saliva Profile
Genova Rhythm with 30 minute consult
Genova Rhythm Plus with 40 minute consult
GI Effects stool profile with 45 minute consult
Mycotoxin profile with 30 minute consult
GI-360 Essentials with 30 minute consult
Hair Elements test with 45 minute consult and Metal Detox book